May 2019 - Annual Parish Meeting

Notes of the meeting held at the BSA Village Hall  on Tuesday14th May 2019.

Present were Mr. M. Spencer (Chairman), Mr. J. Scott, Mrs. L.
Doyle (Clerk) and two residents.

Apologies for absence: Mr. R. Doyle


 The notes of the meeting held on Monday 4th June 2018 were read and agreed.

Matters arising: Neighbourhood Development Plan.

It was noted that WLDC are still not taking into account the ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ as reported in last year’s minutes.
The plan for the Back Lane plot is still giving concern to residents. Currently, there are 25 objections to the current
plan. MS has contacted Richard Green (planning officer) to ask for more information regarding the changes made by the
applicant and is still waiting a reply. He has also asked, the application be determined by ‘committee’ and not ‘Delegated
Powers’, with 28% of residents being against the application.
A resident asked if the Parish Council could appeal against the plans, but this is not legally possible.

The issue of “The Lodge” on School Lane remain unresolved and it was thought, it may be placed on the market again.
Chairman reported that there is to be a ‘cluster’ meeting on 4th June 2019 in BSA Village Hall, where the topic will be
‘Neighbourhood Plans’

MS reported that he is still waiting for a reply regarding the extending of the conservation area.
MS has looked into the possibility of hand held speed guns (Community Speed Watch) to help reduce the speeding
problem through the village.

However, it was decided to wait and see how successful it was in Sturton by Stow. Chairman’s remarks: These were addressed elsewhere in the agenda
Correspondence: The Chairman has received resignations from three Parish Council Officers. Following the election of
Rob Doyle to the P/C, there still remains two vacancies. Finances: JS reported that the bulk of the expenditure this
year had gone on the new footpath. He reported that it was no longer required to have an annual audit, but the finances have
to be published. JS will go through all this information with LD before the next annual meeting. St. Cuthbert’s Church:

The ‘Open Churches’ weekend (11th and 12th May 2019) raised approximately £100 for the fabric
appeal and approximately £50 for church funds.

A church insurance quote of £1,200 has been received. MS to check if the ‘full replacement value’ premium still has to be

A new churchwarden had been appointed – Mrs. Pauline Organ. Pauline is now to be responsible for all church funds
and will open a totally separate bank account for church derived funds.

JS to obtain a third quote for the required plasterwork. Planning Applications: See matters arising above.
New Footpath: It was unanimously agreed that the footpath is a great success and was declared one of our great innovations!
The ‘Derek Franklin Memorial Fund’ is now finished and the monies spent.

A resident asked if the new dog bin could now be fitted.
However, the ‘siting’ of this is a controversial point that has yet to be resolved.
It was suggested it could be moved elsewhere or ‘cloaked’ in some way to make it less visible.
A suggestion was made to erect ‘footpath’ signs, advising walkers the path is for public use, as is the section of footpath past ‘Aisthorpe Lodge.
Open Forum: There were no comments.

The meeting closed at 7.25pm.

Signed Signed