Brattleby Parish Council - Home page

About Brattleby

The current Brattleby Parish Council took office on 9th May 2023, and  is currently made up of 5 members, all residents of the village. They work for the benefit of the community, representing the interests of local residents and seeking to improve the quality of life in the village.

The council usually meets bimonthly  at The BSA Village Hall in Aisthorpe.  Meetings start at 7.30PM. Residents are encouraged to attend the meetings where they can raise any matters of parish interest.

The council is assisted by a clerk, who documents the parish meetings, ensures the instructions of the council are carried out, and is also currently responsible for financial accountability. 

If you have any matters which you wish to raise at a council meeting, or if you seek further information about items discussed and noted in meeting minutes, please contact the parish clerk by email.