January 2020
Brattleby parish council
Notes of the meeting held at the BSA Village Hall on Monday 6 January 2020.
Present were Mr M Spencer, Mr J Scott, Mrs J Strange, Mr D Wright. There
were no members of the public.
Apologies for absence: None
Minutes: The notes of the meeting held on Monday 4 November 2019 were
agreed as a true record.
Matters arising: Mrs Strange agreed to re-check the defibrillator after it was
reported that a red light was flashing.
The new tree for the footpath had been planted and Mrs Brooks would be
Training for the Community Speed Watch scheme is to be organised by
Scampton PC. The Council would make a contribution to costs, clothing etc.
Chairman's remarks: These were covered by the agenda items.
Correspondence: This was covered by the agenda.
Accounts Statement 2019/20: The statement was considered and agreed.
The reserves were healthy given the modest spending plans and day to day
Final Precept Claim 2020/21: It was agreed to finalise the precept claim at
£200 as per the earlier estimate. J Scott to confirm to WLDC. Members were
asked to give some thought to possible projects for the coming year.
North “lay-by”: There was some discussion about ownership of the piece of
land known as the north lay-by historically owned by Highways and left over
from the old B1398 straightening project. Boundary issues and responsibility
for dykes, trees and hedges etc were discussed. It appeared that rubbish had
been dumped in the blind dyke on the western side and garden rubbish was
being collected and burned next to the public footpath. It was agreed to seek
clarification from Highways regarding management and ownership of the
Highways – various issues: The following items of concern were discussed.
Mr Spencer said that Highways were not being very responsive and cited staff
and budget cuts as the problem. It was agreed to seek a site meeting with the
sector manager regarding the following items:
- Contractors working on the building site on Back Lane pumping surface
water into the village drains.
- Gulley clearing (silt, leaves and roots) generally but particularly on
Brattleby Hill and School Lane.
-Ownership and responsibilities for the area known as “north lay-by”
including dealing with a potentially dangerous over hanging tree
BSA Village Hall: Mr Spencer said the hall was well supported. Grants were
being sought to continue the upgrading programme.
Brattleby Web Site: The site was running smoothly with no issues.
St Cuthbert’s Church Report: The plaster repairs were due to start this
The notice board had been repaired and the churchwarden was arranging for
it to be re-erected.
Items for the next meeting: Community Speed Watch and Highways.
Any Other Business: It was agreed to offer defibrillator training for residents.
Mr Spencer to arrange.
A local contractor has been invited to submit a price for clearing the flood
prevention dyke.
Mr Spencer said he would arrange a leaf sweeper for the village.
It was agreed to raise again the issue of extending the conservation
boundaries of the village.
Date of the next meeting: Monday 9 March 2020 at BSA Village Hall in
Aisthorpe at 7pm.
Signed ________________________ Date ________________
Signed_________________________ Date_________________