September 2019
Brattleby Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council held at the BSA Village Hall on Wednesday 18th September 2019 at 7p.m
Present were: Mr. M. Spencer, Mrs J Strange and Mr D Wright.
The Chairman welcomed new Councillors Mrs Strange and Mr Wright
1. Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Mr J Scott
2. Minutes of Previous Meetings: Notes of minutes held on Monday 17 June 2019 and 12 August 2019
were read and approved
3. Matters Arising: Mrs Strange agreed to clean the Neighbourhood Watch signs. Mr Spencer was continuing to arrange for a local contactor to investigate the potential for a water pump at the well by
Slated Cottages
4. Chairman’s remarks: None that wouldn’t be covered in subsequent agenda items
5. Correspondence: None
6. New Councillors and Allocation of Responsibilities: Mr Spencer would continue to manage the speed signs.
Mrs Strange would take responsibility for the defibrillator. Mr Wright agreed to act as Tree Warden.
Mr Scott would continue to fulfil the position of Clerk until a replacement was found.
7. Accounts Statement 2019/20: The accounts were received which confirmed a healthy balance of £6,543.
8. BSA Village Hall: Mr Spencer reported that lettings of the village Hall were at very good levels.
Plans for the improvements to the Hall had been prepared and the Hall Committtee were now seeking funding.
9. Brattleby Web Site: Mr Spencer suggested that the website was one of the best parish council websites and confirmed that it was visited by not just residents but those interested in the village living
elsewhere in the UK and other parts of the world. It was noted that it may in the future become necessary for one of the present councillors to take on responsibility for the website.
Mr Wright said he would be prepared to do this.
10. St Cuthbert’s Church Chairman’s report: Following the May Open Church day, Mr Spencer had been asked to go and speak to the Bailgate U3A group assisted by the Church Warden.
A local contractor had looked at the re-plastering of the church and would be liaising with the Diocesan Advisory Committee prior to commencing works.
11. Items to be included for the next meeting: No specific items
12. AOB:
The Neighbourhood plan was discussed including the potential merits of extending the conservation area in order to further protect the character of the village
It was agreed that it would be useful to run a further training session for residents in the use of the defibrillator.
The previous trainer would be approached The asbestos that had been fly-tipped had not as yet been removed.
Anti fly-tipping signs had been prepared and would be erected as soon as the landowner had provided posts.
13. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 4th November 7.00pm
Meeting closed at 8.30pm